Harry Belafonte sta per compiere ottant’anni. Eppure, poche settimane fa era in Giamaica, dove ha trascorso l’infanzia, a filmare un documentario sulla sua vita. Quella di una star indomita, da cinquant’anni sulle barricate. L’amico fraterno di Martin Luther King e Bob Kennedy, l’uomo che ha scalato, primo afroamericano, le classifiche di tutto il mondo. Per l’Italia degli anni ‘50, Belafonte era soprattutto quell’uomo bellissimo che cantava Banana boat song (Day-O), brano che entrava nel 1957 in classifica svelando l’esotismo del calypso [...] senza che molti si soffermassero sul significato del pezzo, una «work song» sulla tragica vita degli scaricatori di banane giamaicani. Lui, Belafonte, non si preoccupò più di tanto della mistificazione. Colse il successo e lo utilizzò per spingersi ben oltre, diventando l’antesignano della «world music», l’attivista, una delle voci più autorevoli della diaspora africana. L’Italia osservava compiaciuta il «re del calypso» con quello sguardo voyeurista un po’ provinciale, tanto che quando un anno dopo Carosone lanciò la sua O’ sarracino, confessò di essersi ispirato ad «un uomo bello, un po’ saracino, di quelli che fanno impazzire le donne come Harry Belafonte». (L'Unità, 4 giugno 2006)
Ah, dear Radu, your very first post was Harry Belafonte? Nice one. Pity that I came too late and the link's not up anymore. Harry Belafonte is the favorite singer of my mother, so I grew up with this - and it may be one of the few points of musical interest I have in common with her (my father's favorite singer is Ivan Rebroff, so it is clearly better to stay on my mother's side :-) ). When I first learnt, that Belafonte used to perform on stage together with Woody Allen in the 1950s, I first couldn't believe it. But got used to the idea now... Hmm, what's my point? Well, my point is: Good point to start with a blog dedicated to Babel.
"Fallen fallen fallen is Babylon the Great" sang Demis Roussos in Aphrodite's Child's masterpiece, "666". But we all know that this is true only of the historical Babylon. For a new Babel is born, it's all around us, we spend in it every day of our lives. We all know that the global village has many facets, some good and others bad. I personally believe that the best way to fight the Big Brother is to help grow his Great Sisters, cultural biodiversity and cross-cultural hybridisation. Music is perhaps the form of expression whose language is accessible to the widest range of people, so it will be my main focus. In particular, I will take in great consideration those fruitful experiences which build bridges between different musical traditions and genres, or between old and new. So, what are you still waiting for? Just relax and enjoy your ride through the crowded streets of Babe(b)logue!... DJ Radu
Please, before asking me to reupload a file, check all the host sites – one or two links could still be active, even if the others are not. Thanks, Radu
If you like the works posted here, please buy'em if they're available! Support the artists! If any copyright owner objects to the inclusion of their music (video or audio) in these pages, we'll immediately remove it. Simply write an e-mail to: babeblogue@tiscali.it. Unless otherwise noted, all the photographs posted on Babe(b)logue are from the author's private collection.
Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62 del 7.03.2001. Si declina ogni responsabilità per contenuti, commenti e collegamenti ad altri siti.
They Say About Babe(b)logue
"Well, my favorite blog in the category World Music is Babe(b)logue. True to the category, the blogger Radu is virtually covering the entire world. He would always find interesting reviews and other informative sources on the music, and delights the visitor with beautiful photos and other art snippets. This is the perfect starting point for everyone who wants to discover new music from neglected regions. And the box.net-box on this blog enables the listener to listen to many many songs, before deciding what to download."
Ah, dear Radu, your very first post was Harry Belafonte? Nice one. Pity that I came too late and the link's not up anymore.
Harry Belafonte is the favorite singer of my mother, so I grew up with this - and it may be one of the few points of musical interest I have in common with her (my father's favorite singer is Ivan Rebroff, so it is clearly better to stay on my mother's side :-) ).
When I first learnt, that Belafonte used to perform on stage together with Woody Allen in the 1950s, I first couldn't believe it. But got used to the idea now... Hmm, what's my point? Well, my point is: Good point to start with a blog dedicated to Babel.
Ah, sorry, the file IS still up! Great!
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