The Oroonies are a group of friends and their instruments who amongst other things have been playing music together for well over ten years. There were never any Oroonie rules so in the past it’s been as diverse as manic punk thrash up a peaceful mountainside to nice little tunes in a London basement, and over this time all those pairs of ears have been listening carefully to the most obscure and peculiar music from all the corners of the globe, often to find the most ethnic of it to be the most demented… So whilst most other people were busy running around in ever decreasing circles, the Oroonies spent the 80’s sitting in odd little places, reading books, humming tunes, scrambling around in fairy forts, climbing snowy mountains in the dark, milking wild goats, lurking in the corner of warehouse parties in Kings Cross, watching Crystal Palace from the terraces or whatever all this and more turned into music… Always in search of an elemental feeling: surging walls of sound, force and fire, Pan’s pipes echoing, mad laughter bubbling up, in the Grove at dawn, feel the moon in the heavens, feel the storm inside your head… endure, enjoy, forget. […] All you need is to bring your psychedelic sense of humour with you. Perhaps we are not serious! We are: Joie who plays the synthesisers and supplies the samples. Tanya the drummer who also sings and plays the double bass. Geek who is mostly bassist but also bouzouki man and saxophonist. Russ the guitarist and vocalist who also plays bouzouki and percussion. Jane flautist and conch blower. Jo the string section. Merv: percussionist at gigs and keyboard person in the studio. Between us all we write, arrange and mutilate our material! Joie and Merv also play in the Ozric Tentacles and Wooden Baby. Joie also plays with the Ullulators too. (DemiMonde)
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Gracias radu por este disco!! Me parece muy interesante, además si escuchas los temas por separado, parece como si fueran varios grupos!!!
Tienes razòn, Alonsii:)
Lo unico que yo sè es que, despuès este trabajo, Oroonies empezaron haciendo musica màs acustica, pero (creo) sin grabar nada màs.
Voy a ponerte un comentario su tu pagina tambièn.
Lovely to hear this - used to see them often at uk festivals in the days of my youth, brings back some fine memories. Many thanks for this one !!!
Thanks for this one -
saw them many times at festivals as well as Cheapsuit Oroonies and the fab Space Goats.
Now all i need is the ullulators and back to the planet albums and my crusty collection from my yoof is complete.... thanks so much for this gem
Tranks man, this genere is cool, I recomend too the Ozric Tentacles.
----Sorry my bad english------
Valeu cara, este genero é legal, eu recomendo também o Ozric Tentacles.
In co-operation with Geek of the The OROONIES at least six Oroonies CD's will be re-released by the tiny DIY Belgian 100copiesCDS soon. Go to www.myspace.com/100copiesCDS. Axel
Should have said thanks for this a while ago now. Barely a week goes by when I don't play it. Fingers crossed for more Oroonies in the future x
so nice
plan sexy
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