Link in comments (always appreciated)
Soundscapes (& More) From The Third Planet
Link in comments (always appreciated)
Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62 del 7.03.2001. Si declina ogni responsabilità per contenuti, commenti e collegamenti ad altri siti.
Thanks! This is the Calexico I like, their later albums are alas more and more "ordinary".
file was deleted. Any chance of a re-up?. Thanks
this looks interesting. any chance to get an upload.....seems to be deleted already.
Thanks for the hard to find Calexico. This kind of stuff is what blogs are made for. I'll keep reading.
Thanks for Calexico. Came by this thru Border Music. Thanks for your wonderful site.
cheers from Vancouver,BC, CA
thanks - a pleasure ...
hi. link is dead. any chance for another re-post. really enjoyed Travelall and was hoping to find something more in that vain.
btw - great blog. some choice finds here. thanx.
also from Vancouver...cheers
New Link:
dead again - soory Radu I have juzst discovered your blog - everybody cheers on every calexico album you post, Please re-upload (re-re-upload)
Any chance of a repost? Would love to hear this gem!
Thanks Radu for your amazing blog. Now here's my upload, so we can all enjoy wonderful music.
thank you very much for the presentation of this ancient Calexico music . .very fine . .
saludos : Herr Ärmel (Europe)
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