«“They’re one of the most interesting European groups that I’ve heard”, says Gary Cristall, organizer of the Vancouver Folkfestival, “but they do it in a different way. Even though they were doing traditional stuff, it had a different edge to it. They’ve never been looked on very favourably in Hungary. They were always a little too far outside.”
Kolinda’s reputation for being outside comes from the way they mix elements of Hungarian and Balkan folksongs with a large amount of jazz, a bit of classical, and even a few notes of rock. Their music manages to melt the passion and urgency of gypsy music with the cerebral with of cool jazz, an exciting combination that makes them one of the most successful hybrids of folk and contemporary music around today. Kolinda first formed in 1974, and in the next four years they released three albums on the French Hexagone label. But in 1978 the group disbanded and the members went on to other projects. In 1984, the group got together for a reunion tour. They’ve been playing together ever since, and have recorded other fine albums.» (From the net)
The original line-up of the band was: Ferenc Kiss (violin), Péter Dabasi (tamboura, guitar, gadulka, vocals), Ágnes Zsigmondi (vocals, flute), Iván Lantos (vocals, bass, percussion, flute, bagpipes), András Széll (vocals, violin), Dóra Kovács (vocals, violin, flute).
Link in comments (always welcome)
Dear Radu
Thank you for all the fine stuff you are giving us.
My problem is that Depositfiles.com is unacceptable by meens of speed.
7.5 kb/s is impossible for downloading big files.
All other file storing sites have much better speed .
Usually I download from Rapidshare with 80.00 kb/s on an ADSL 768 connection.
I have lost all the files you uploaded at depositfiles.com.
So please do something and do not spoil the bucket of milk.
Thank you very much for your understanding
Gus from Grecia
Hi Radu
Like I said in an older comment I love your blog for many reasons, but I must say that depositfiles is quite boring: 4h15mn to download a file when I usually make it in 40s with rapidshare!
If you can't make it another way, too bad, we'll wait for. But if you can change, it would be much appreciated!
Thanks for all anyway
Yvon (Paris)
Thanx. Review sounds very interesting, I'll try this one.
Too far outside...different way, different edge... it's my cup of tea.
Keep up your fantastic blog!
magari a qualcuno interessa il booklet
maybe someone is interested in this album's booklet
Kolinda's first album - Booklet
danny @ Italian folk music
Hi Dizzy, try also Rale, they could be your orange juice and toasted bread:)
Thanx for the booklet link, Danny
Thanks a lot for this fine music
Link at depositfiles is Dead, i think?!
is there an alternative link please
What a shame there's no link any more...
Please, can a new one be made, sounds wonderful!
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