Geoffrey's music is as affecting as his personal history. Growing up in war-torn Uganda during the height of Idi Amin's Reign of Terror, Geoffrey was the son of a governmental minister. Every night as a child in Kampala, Geoffrey would sit by his father's side and listen to him playing the nanga, a seven-string harp. He was lucky enough to grow up absorbing both the folk music of his culture through traditional routes and Western techniques through his schooling. However his family's position in Uganda's ruling class proved disastrous. In February 1977, at the age of twenty-four, Geoffrey's father was secretly assassinated and Geoffrey was forced to spend hours in the trunk of a car until he crossed the border safely into Kenya. Today, exiled in France, Oryema has emerged as the one of the most respected songwriters in Paris. […]
Geoffrey's sophomore release, Beat The Border, surrounds Oryema's soothing vocals with a spacious and virginal bed of synthesized and acoustic sounds. It was with Beat The Border that Geoffrey became one of the first world musicians to crossover into mainstream markets.» (RealworldUSA, read more)
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I have had this album for several years, and I have to say that it is one of my absolute favorites. This never fails to elevate me beyond the mundane, to take me literally out of myself. Thanks for posting it!
thank you.
Conocí a G Oryema a traves de su disco Exile, indescriptible, altamente recomendado.
Just stumbled upon this album. It's awesome. I lived in Uganda at the time as George. Does anyone know if he has two sisters, Margaret and Irene. They were good friends but lost contact after I left the country.
Ricordo che questo pensiero era tanto più elettrizzante un considerevole numero di anni nel passato quando si stavano giocando a strip poker in opposizione a una figura toon approssimativamente previsto. Giocando questa deviazione on-line è quasi equivale a l'articolo genuino.
Oryema has emerged as the one of the most respected songwriters in Paris.
writing service
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