
Hand Painting Art II

Guido Daniele, Elefante (2006)


Ruela said...


Anonymous said...


Daniele Guido, been born in 1950 to Soverato (CZ)Italy, it lives and it
works to Milan. From 1964 to 1968 it has attended the artistic grammar
school of Brera, and then the course of sculpture to the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera from 1968 to 1972.
From 1972 to 1974 it attends the school of Tankas tibetane to
Dharamsala in India. It paints and it participates today to personal
and collective extensions from 1968.
From 1972 to 1986 it collaborates with the editoria and the publicity like iperrealist illustrator using every type of technique.
From 1986 today it realizes scenografy for photos, spot advertising and television programs, painting to areograph I moreover found them until 400mq. Paint trompe oeil for private houses and the structures to public use of great dimensions.
From 1990 it has added to its baggage of experiences the technique of the body painting painting the bodies of the modelle for photos, filmati advertising, paraded and events. Its artistic search of the last years has carried it to join the two techniques.
Its "master" of photographic resumption and prints handbook in darkroom always has been the famous photographer Francesco Radino.
Its search begun in 2000 on the "Hands Animals" realized with the technique of the body painting is having a great interest to international level.

excuse me if the translation contains errors.

Peace and Love

www.sillones.nom.es said...

To my mind everybody have to browse on it.