Woman with Green Stockings (1917)
India ink and tempera on paper, 27,9 x 45 cm.
Private collection

Vier Bäume (1917)
Oil on canvas, 110 × 140,5 cm.
Österreichische Galerie, Wien

Selfportrait (1910)
Oil and surface colour on canvas, 44 × 30,5 cm.
Leopold Collection, Wien

merci pour l'émotion
au détour d'un blog, c'esttroublant de voir la beauté d'un portrait virtuose. l'écran est souvent réducteur, mais des fois il éclaire. J'écouterais Rachel, j'aime votre blog, les découvertes que l'on y fait, et tus les liens vers d'autres découvertes. Continuez, même si souvent le décalage entre le téléchargement et l'écoute fait que l'on ne vous dit pas de suite ce que l'on ressent, ce que vous faites est bien et donne envie d'être meilleur
Merci à vous pour vos belles paroles. For me, a real and beautiful encouragement. Stay tuned,
Nice selection of Schiele paintings, dear Radu. Unfortunately I cannot enjoy them together with the sound of Rachel`s, for I came too late, but that's how life is like in blogland...
Here's a recommendation for everyone who's interested in Schiele: Go for a short holiday trip to Southern Bohemia, to the town of Ceský Krumlov, where Schiele stayed for a bout a year. This little town itself is already extremely beautiful (so beautiful that you might not find a place to stay in the peak season, so an off-season visit might be better), so no wonder that it attracted Schiele to paint this town for nearly a year. Besides the beauties of the town, they have an Egon Schiele museum with works by the master himself, but also with a lot of contemporary, mainly Czech, artists. (And when you get to the record store in the town center, you might dig some great music there too ;-) )
The chap is definitely just, and there is no doubt.
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