«They’re French, they’re fresh, and they’re fun. They’re also fabulous musicians. Based in Grenoble, Djal combine influences from jazz and Arab music (ubiquitous in France just now) with traditional material from the Savoie region and beyond. Their instrumentation includes fiddle, flute, hurdy-gurdy, button box, bouzouki, recorder, bass, bombarde, dulcimer, guitar, and various drums. The overall sound is rich and varied, with plenty of punch and the added depth of a seven-piece band.
This is a live recording, made at a home gig with an atmosphere halfway between a barn dance and a rave. There’s a primal energy on tracks like Hollwenn and the opening set of three bourés. Michel Bordeleau’S great Québecois Reel des 4 Fers en l’Air is given an inspired treatment, and it’s followed by a trio of jigs with more than a touch of Irish about them. Gavottes, rondeaus and other Breton dances are mixed in among the standard French forms. With the exception of Michel’ reel and a couple of polkas, all the tunes are by band members. Most of the tracks here are up-tempo dance music, but there are some gorgeous slow numbers. Ivoirine is a stately air, and the waltz Masque Rouge is one I intend to learn.
Improvisation is one of Djal’s strengths. Several of its members have one foot in jazz, and their extended solos are a joy to hear. Yann Gourdon’s demonic hurdy-gurdy is awesome on Hollwenn and elsewhere. Christophe Sacchettini’s flutes are pure magic, and Daniel Gourdon’s fiddle brings an eerie swirling quality to several tracks. The rhythm section is also worth a mention: imaginative, incisive and irresistibly intoxicating. All in all, this is an excellent CD and a wonderful example of the best French music.» (Alex Monaghan, folkworld.de)
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Sei un grande!!!
Hai pure messo 'Ivoirine' sulla radio a destra, la sto ascoltando ora e come sempre mi vengono i brividi...
Ora ho dei seri problemi a Windows Media Player (appena lo aziono mi si spegne il pc!!!), ma ti prometto che appena formatto l'hd, poi ti posto altri dischi che ho... ricordi i Borte???
Se hai postato questo disco presumo ti siano piaciuti...
Ciao e in gamba,
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the file has been deleted
your music choice is however splendid thanks
Hi, the file has not been deleted. Please, just follow the New Link:)
I've never heard Djal, But I think they are really good, I used to hear another kind music,but I THINK French folk,and jazz are more amazing than many kind of music thanks for the site,for me it is really good to know new bands here.
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